We like to just drive around the backroads on the shore. There are slices of a very specific Americana to be seen on these roads. Houses and mobile homes up on 6-10 foot legs to keep them dry in high water are common. Many times the overall economic status is rather low in the pecking order, though I have a feeling that some of the people believe they are rich in their surroundings, as would I.
Though there are times in our drive-throughs that hold no "wow" effects for us, there are many more that do. We may drive around half a day seeing the usual sights (which are great, don't get me wrong!) and then we will just stumble upon that super cool spot. I recall one day we took a small dirt road that was heading for a coastal area near the Santee Delta. The road suddenly opened up to a meadow and I said, "stop stop stop!!!" My husband jammed on the brakes and we came to an abrupt halt. Fortunately, there was no one else around as is the case on many of these roads. Both our jaws dropped as we gazed in awe at the serene sight all around us. There browsing in the grasses were four distinct species of birds: White Ibis, bothe white mature and gray yearlings; snowy egrets; tri-colored heron and little blue heron. It's one of those sightings that you never forget it was so cool! Unfortunately, my camera was barely up to the task of getting zoomed in close enough to snap good pictures, so they came out a bit blurry because of the distance.
Other exciting sightings have included eagles: the bald eagle and an osprey. We were sitting on the beach one time with our binoculars in hand, watching an osprey fishing in the shallows just off the beach. Suddenly he swooped down and came up with his prize clutched tightly in his talons. He rose up high into the air, preparing to go to his favorite eating roost, when out of nowhere dove this huge bald eagle. The eagle startled the osprey into dropping his prize and caught it before it hit the water again! My husband and I looked at each other and felt outraged for the smaller osprey! Stealing food was Not what one would expect from the "majestic" bald eagle! Too bad I didn't have my camera with me that day, though we have gotten some ok shots of both eagles at other times.
It seems like there are just too many other nifty sightings to list. I'll load a few more. Black-necked stilts, screech owl in a wood duck box, Caspian terns with a young one, storks climbing on the thermals, buffle head duck, blue winged teal duck, pied-billed grebes, plover...
Going to visit the shore and low country of South Carolina has become one of our favorite things to do every year. Between our work life, yard work and family, we try to squeeze in time to head down there every year. In fact, we seem to get this "craving", and until we satisfy it, it gnaws at us in the back of our psychies. Of course we love to go birding here in the upstate too. But the shore just holds a special place for us. Next time we are hoping to head a little further south to the Georgia and Florida coasts.
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